Distributor : UGCN - https://chembiofrance.cn.cnrs.fr
Departmental Chemical Library Workshop : chidept@chimiotheque-nationale.enscm.fr
Phone : +33(0)2 38 49 49 03
Institut de Chimie Organique et Analytique (ICOA - UMR 7311)
Université d’Orléans
Pôle de chimie
rue de Chartre – BP6759
45067 Orléans Cedex 2
This application was realized within the framework of a project resulting from the GIS national chemical library, it aims at placing at the disposal of the member laboratories a software allowing the complete management of a chemical library and an extract library of a laboratory. This project was realized in collaboration with the departmental chemical library workshop.
This software has been registered with the Agency for the Protection of Programs (APP) under the reference: IDDN.FR.001.150022.000.S.C.2011.000.30625
This software is a computer application used to manage a molecule chemical library and an extract library from research.
This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and respecting the principles of free software distribution. You can use, modify and/or redistribute this program under the conditions of the CeCILL license as published by CEA, CNRS and INRIA on the website https://www.cecill.info.
In return for the accessibility of the source code and the rights to copy, modify and redistribute granted by this license, users are offered only a limited warranty. For the same reasons, only a limited liability is imposed on the author of the program, the holder of the economic rights and the successive licensors.
In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated with the
loading, use, modification and/or development
and reproduction of the software by the user, given its specificity as free
software, which can make it complex to handle and which therefore reserves it for
developers and professionals with in-depth computer knowledge. Users are
therefore invited to load and test the suitability of the software for their
needs under conditions that ensure the security of their systems and/or data and,
more generally, to use and operate it under the same security conditions.
The fact that you can access this header means that you have read the CeCILL license, and that you have accepted its terms.
Tools used:
Photo credits:
The images used for the realization of L-g-Chimio come from ChemBioFrance member laboratories, some are in the archives of the CNRS Images and are the property of the CNRS. No copy, total or partial, may be made without the agreement of the authors noted on the photo credit.